Talent ManagementConsultancy
We listen, make proposals, give advice, provide a sounding board, support the implementation, train your leaders, facilitate the Talent Review Meeting, prepare your communication, ….
Challenges we solve together:
- what is the impact of the new business strategy on Talent Management choices?
- what is the talent story we would like to share with our employees?
- how to gain more involvement of the managers in the Talent Review Process. After all, this is a critical business process.
- we would like to use the Talent Review Profiler tool, developed by TalentLogiQs, to collect evidence-based information both from the employee and manager’s perspective.
- we want to move away from the use of the 9-box as visualization of talents in the organisation. What are the alternatives?
- our organisation considers the launch of a Talent Review or Succession Management approach. How do we make that happen?
- how should we evolve towards a simpler approach and simpler definitions?
- …

Contact us if you would like to inspire a group about Talent Management – Talent Review – Succession Management.
Audience: HR professionals, executives, executive committee, talents.
Nous avons fortement apprécié le support inspirant d’Ingrid dans nos réflexions sur notre Culture Talent désirée. Les échanges pendant les workshops online étaient enrichissants et nous ont clarifié la voie à suivre pour le futur au niveau de notre approche du processus Talent Review

We worked with Ingrid for the fine-tuning of our Talent Review process and the training of our managers. She was instrumental in asking the right questions and pointing out where the process needed to be sharper or improved. She also did an excellent job in preparing our managers to participate in this new process, helping overcome doubts and fears, and proactively proposed a "just in time" learning approach. Warmly recommended!

De training ‘Meer Business impact met de Talent Review’ heeft mij de essentiële tools en inzichten geboden om een doeltreffende Talent Review op te zetten.
Niet enkel theorie, maar ook praktische toepassing komt aan bod, waardoor je direct aan de slag kunt met wat je hebt geleerd.
Ons management team heeft ook mede hierdoor, het Talent Review plan goed ontvangen.

Onze syndicale partners en leidinggevenden formuleerden samen een concreet actieplan voor het versterken van duurzaam loopbaanbeleid binnen VDAB.
De doeltreffende begeleiding door Ingrid De Backer speelde een belangrijke rol in het rijpen van de inzichten en het begeleiden naar gemeenschappelijke doelen en acties.

As the project lead of a global project team, Ingrid implemented 1 global Talent Review & Succession Management approach.
In order to succeed she had to align a multitude of HR and business views on Talent and Succession Mgmt. Ingrid’s pragmatic and solution-oriented approach made this possible. All of our 80 senior HR Business partners were delighted by the training she gave to align them on 1 global approach. Implementation in all of our divisions globally has been a big success.
A human-oriented and transparent collaboration.
